A blog is an indispensable tool for a business or established company. This allows the dissemination of valuable content to the target community, in order to strengthen a special bond with it, beyond the commercial field.

However, like any other strategy, it has pros and cons that you should know.

Advantages and disadvantages of having a blog
Although the blog has existed for many years, with technological advances that have led to innovative behaviors in users, it has now become more necessary for a company to have its own portal to share specialized topics of interest to its audience. This makes it possible to enrich the relationship with the user.

Learn about some of its advantages and disadvantages:


  • Advantages of having a blog
    Some of its most outstanding virtues are:

– Ease of use: Fortunately, the platforms for blogging and publishing content have evolved favorably. Now the upload and broadcast process is much faster, easier and more intuitive.
– Economic benefit: in a blog, the ways to obtain economic benefit are diverse. From using affiliate marketing, integrating Adwords ads, to subtly promoting an online store.
– Minimum investment: a very favorable pro is that the development and launch of a blog does not require a large budget. Platforms like WordPress, for example, allow you to design blogs based on needs and possibilities.
– Variety of platforms: on the market there is a wide variety of CMS (Content Managers). Each of them suitable for the desired objectives. And, more importantly, depending on various budgets.
– Great reach: a virtue impossible to ignore is its great reach, it breaks down geographical limits and reaches other markets. So it is a good way to increase the visibility of a brand in the digital world.

  • Disadvantages of having a blog
    Although its advantages are very attractive, this resource also has disadvantages to consider:

– It takes time: to ensure that the user loyalty to the content, it is important to periodically update the information provided in it.
– It requires perseverance: achieving a blog position in search engines is not a job done in a single day. Positioning strategies demand time, perseverance and perseverance.
– It is complex to highlight: with so much digital competition, managing to differentiate a blog is a difficult task. You need to share content with added value, without offering the same information as the rest.