The best advertising campaigns of 2017

The best advertising campaigns of 2017

Faltan apenas unos días para que el 2017 llegue a su fin y se lleve junto con él muchos éxitos y tal vez un par de fracasos. Sin embargo, si de algo estamos seguros es que este año nos dio a conocer muchas sorpresas a nivel publicitario y nos enseñó la importancia de...
Branding, an emotional strategy that creates needs

Branding, an emotional strategy that creates needs

Currently what we know as marketing has undergone a great transformation. Little by little what we knew has become popular, but at the same time it has evolved towards new concepts such as branding. This is defined as any of the actions that a company can carry out in...
The Apple identifier and its evolution

The Apple identifier and its evolution

Whether you are a declared fan, a geek or someone who enjoys Apple products, do you know the history of their identifier? Commonly known as the logo, that of this celebrated computer and electronic device company is represented as one of the most enduring ideas in...
Naming, the first step to branding

Naming, the first step to branding

If you are about to start a new business and don’t know what to call it, you are not alone. Naming or your brand name represents a crucial step in the right direction. As a fundamental process for the projection of branding, we want you to understand the...
Internet our greatest source of inspiration

Internet our greatest source of inspiration

The Internet is a medium in which you have to know how to select sources of information and inspiration. We can lose thousands of hours when we have to search because of the saturation of content on the network. For all this, today we make a selection of the sources...
Films that bring out our most creative side

Films that bring out our most creative side

Creatives and designers are people with a broad visual culture. The viewing of a film, documentary or series helps them to improve their eye and develop the aesthetic and visual composition of the project. Visual culture, although it can be learned through practice...