
The Internet is a medium in which you have to know how to select sources of information and inspiration. We can lose thousands of hours when we have to search because of the saturation of content on the network.

For all this, today we make a selection of the sources that are really useful to us when it comes to inspiring us and promoting our creativity. Although they are not all there are, these are some of our favorites for creatives:

  1. Feedly. It is an RSS reader thanks to which you can add the pages that you like the most, dividing them into sections. You won’t waste hours looking for the pages you like the most. If you have a profile on Pinterest it will also be very useful since you can re-paint the images that you like the most directly from here.
  2. Freunde von Freunden. This online magazine is a platform that portrays creative and cultural people from all over the world, showing their workspaces. In addition, they include interviews in which the creatives explain how their career has been so far, what the process is like and the rituals they follow when creating … The quality of the images is very good, and we love the design of the! Web!
  3. Creative Mornings. It is a page that collects speeches and presentations by professionals from countries around the world. We think it is an interesting way to learn that creatives get a lot out of.
  4. TED. Like Creative Mornings, TED tries to spread ideas through speeches. As stated in his profile, his intention is to provide people with a deeper understanding of what is happening in the world. The talk format is very short so you won’t have time to get bored (they last 18 minutes or even less).
  5. Creaddicts. Creadictos collects all the news regarding the world of design, art and advertising. Take a look to be up to date on the latest news in the sector.
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