Throughout the history of advertising, many campaigns have been successful to the point of being considered a role model by other well-known companies. However, the marketing industry has also seen the birth of major mistakes that have completely altered the usual order of an advertising strategy.

Therefore, in this post we name you the main advertising failures that have resonated worldwide and of which we are sure you have already heard about.

Top 4 advertising mistakes that have made history
Although we have always read about tips, useful practices and positive trends, marketing also hides its secrets behind advertising campaigns that have been considered a FAIL. Take a look at the most recognized:


# 1 McDonald’s, #McDStories
In mid-2012, McDonald’s decided to create a hashtag in order to encourage its audience to spread stories where their loyalty to the renowned fast food chain was the focus of attention. However, the #McDStories tag was not used in the expected way. On the contrary, users used this hashtag to show their dissatisfaction with the brand.

Moral: Before executing a marketing campaign, analyze the negative impacts it could have. Do not embarrass your brand when you know that on social networks not everything goes well, and less without prior investigation.


# 2 Huggies, “Dad Test”
Making fun of the target audience should not be an option if you are looking to build loyalty and convert them into potential customers. This was a consequence that Huggies did not measure in their “Dad Test” campaign, where instead of highlighting the relevance of fathers in the process of changing a diaper, they made it appear that only mothers can do it correctly. Of course, the negative comments were immediate.

Moral: Do not judge or underestimate the intelligence of your target audience in a campaign with which you intend to gain their loyalty.


# 3 Coca-Cola, New Coke
In the 1980s, Coca-Cola made the decision to change its flagship product for a new flavor, “New Coke”, with the firm idea of reaching other potential users and showing itself as a versatile brand.

Unfortunately, he only got a negative response from his audience, who considered that with this change they altered the only drink that gave them happiness.

Moral: Brands, their products and behaviors must always be in tune with the tastes of users.


# 4 M & Ms, Universal Studios
In 1981, Universal Studios asked M & Ms for permission to use their candy in the movie E.T. The alien. But the brand refused, so Universal Studios turned to Hershey’s to use their Reese’s Pieces on the motion picture.

The results were staggering for the latter brand, to the point where it tripled its sales in just two weeks.

Moral: Do not reject a collaboration without measuring its scope.