What are pictograms?
Pictograms are signs that schematically represent a figure, a real object, or a symbol. Basically, they are simple graphic representations through which a specific message is sent, overcoming language barriers. The purpose of the pictograms is to notify and / or signal.

In the marketing industry, this graphic style is used in design and advertising activities. Particularly with regard to visual identity, branding and signage. In this case, pictograms are essential tools to maintain clear and fluid communication with the target audience.

While pictograms are a primitive and basic communication method, they are a way to generate attention and interaction, in order to capture, attract and retain the user. Since their participation in communication is encouraged.

Pictograms, a way to communicate without words
Both verbal communication and written communication are the most common forms of reporting there are. However, when it comes to marketing, there are other alternatives to reach the potential user … Yes, through pictograms it is possible to communicate without the need to use words. The figure speaks for itself.

By using design and without words, you can build a much stronger and more participatory relationship with your target community. For this reason, pictograms are recognized as a universal language, anyone is capable of understanding the most elementary messages regardless of their native language.

Pictograms have become a system that survives today, being essential for communicating countless situations. Through this communication method, you can conceptualize any type of idea, representing it with the fewest possible elements. And yet it remains understandable.

Of course, for a pictogram to achieve the expected range, it must take into account two key factors. First, the figure must be easy to identify and second, it must be easily understood at first glance. For this, irrelevant details must be set aside so as not to lose the central message.

Pictograms are an excellent alternative to use the imagination to communicate original messages and global understanding.