
The logo, also known as an identifier, is the main and therefore most important element of the corporate image of a company, a product or any body. It is the image of reference for our clients, distinguishes us from our competitors and allows a quick association of the consumer with the brand.

A logo goes beyond being another graphic element of our corporate image, but is the main element that helps to create a brand, provides the company with an intangible value that has values ​​and qualities that are related to the company itself.

As the company, product or organization grows and matures over time, its visual identity must be transformed with it, which is known as brand restyling or redesign of your corporate image.

There are several reasons why a company undergoes a restyling. We will tell you!

Relaunch of the brand image: There are several reasons why a company wants to carry out a relaunch of its brand: to rescue a brand that was already in disuse in order to market a new launch of a product line or, for example, Another reason can also be as a way to improve the reputation of the company, if it has experienced a situation that could tarnish or tarnish its brand image.

An example of Restayling by relaunch can be:


Rejuvenation of the brand image: Companies such as Apple, Starbucks or RTVE are brands that already have years of history, so they decided to carry out a restyling of their brand image to approach the new generations and give a renewed image and that is better suited to the 21st century.

An example of restyling for rejuvenation of the brand image can be:


Renovation adapted to the graphic design trends of the moment: There are brands that as an added value for their consumers must be up-to-date with the latest and greatest news, for that reason they adapt their brand image to current graphic design trends in each moment.

An example of restyling for adaptation to graphic design trends can be:


There are also brands that keep their logo unchanged over time, such as the El Corte Inglés department store.

In short, the restyling of a corporate image is to carry out the transformation of the logo / identifier of the company, keeping part of its essence but updating its aesthetics, in order to revitalize the image. The logo redesign may even mark a milestone in company history. If you think it is time to give an unexpected turn to the company’s brand image, do not hesitate to contact us 😉

Restyling of Xaniño’s corporate image


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