Before creating a website, it is common for doubts to arise about which option to choose in terms of development. That is, opt for a CMS or design the page from scratch. But there is no alternative that is better, this choice will depend on your needs.

For this reason, we will tell you about the pros and cons of each option so that you can choose the one that best suits what you want to create and your financial possibilities.

CMS web design vs. Web design from scratch
When you decide to create a page to publicize your brand or get clients, it is important that you select the type of development according to the project, considering your objectives well. Take a look at the classic methods in web design:


  • Web design CMS (Content Manager)
    A CMS is a platform that supports the management of web content, manage users, among other varied and functional options. It is an easy, comfortable and fast way to create a web page, especially for beginners.

– Advantage
Its development time is minimal, there is less probability of finding errors, it has a variety of tools, it is easy to learn to manipulate, and its maintenance costs are low, among others.

– Disadvantages
It presents security weaknesses, the best tools are premium, there is a limitation by requiring actions that the tools do not perform, among others.

  • Web design from scratch
    It is a more natural process, since the web is designed to adapt to your objectives and they do not depend on a pre-designed template. Therefore, you start from a blank page and you have total freedom to create your own concept.

– Advantage
Both the design and the structure are unique, there are no limitations in terms of development, the web is less sensitive to hackers, a completely SEO-optimized site is created, among others.

– Disadvantages
It requires more development time, it deserves a larger initial investment, you will always depend on the developer to make adjustments and the programming language is more complex.


What option to choose?
The final choice will depend on the complexity of your project, how much time you have for development and, mainly, your budget for this investment.

In case your project is complex and requires great security, if you have a reasonable time for development and, in addition, a good budget, opt for a design from scratch. But if you need to develop a simple website, using a CMS is the best alternative, as it requires less time and good results are obtained.

Both are good options, each one adapts to specific needs and requirements. So evaluate your goals and choose the alternative that allows you to meet them.