In this new era of digital growth, there has been an increase in commerce on the web. Now there are new forms of marketing through the network. Every day people develop online projects, with the main goal of being visible in the first places of search engines on the web. Through SEO positioning this becomes possible.

The term SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the process or set of techniques that a website must perform to increase its visibility in the different search engines of the network. The most used search engine is Google, and as many experts say “you don’t exist if you don’t appear in Google”.

How to appear on the first page of Google using SEO positioning?

There are certain steps you must follow if you want to increase the traffic of visits to your website and appear among the first in Google. These are the most important:

Keywords Analysis
You must do an analysis of the keywords. This process of SEO positioning guarantees that you choose phrases that report the most visits on Google and that are related to your online project. In this way, Google locates you more easily and can position you among the first. There are several tools in this search engine that can help you choose the most suitable keyword for you.

Quality content
Choose content oriented to your audience, but always keep in mind the search engines of the network. One SEO positioning strategy is that you must be original in your writing, and generate impact and interest in the reader. Use logical structures and HTML tags. Use internal links and remember to use the selected keyword for your project, but without exaggeration since Google penalizes this action.

Link Building
Make a Link Building strategy, developing suitable links. You can help yourself with the Ahrefs tool or Open Site Explorer. Avoid penalty errors such as having links with a different theme to your project or placing too many links on your blog.

Web speed
Optimize the loading time of your website on the net. For this you can use Google tools such as Page Speed ​​or Pingdom Tools. Try to make few requests to your server and gather the CSS and JavasCripten files into one.

Cached web page
Use a Caché system to save a copy of your website to readers who visit it frequently.

Image format
It is important that you use the correct formats for your images. For this it is advisable to use the .jpeg, .gif, .png format and reduce their weight.

If you want to appear among the first places when someone does a search in Google, do not stop applying the SEO positioning techniques that we have mentioned, since only then will you guarantee more visits to your website in an organic way.

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